It has been just over 2 years since we started out embryo adoption journey. Now, for the first time in two years, I can say 'I feel human!'
Even something as simple as hormone birth control really messes with how I feel and respond to life. Right from the beginning I was put on not 1 but 2 types of birth control at the same time to start preparing my body for the transfer. It only grew from there with more hormone therapy, pregnancy, delivery/surgery, new born babies, and continuing to breast feed. We knew going into this that it wasn't going to be easy, but that didn't make all the hormone crazies any less present. Watch out world! This momma is back and she is stronger than ever!! Closets are now being cleaned, meals are being prepared, organization is happening, and I'm putting in my two cents about the garden this year too. And now my goal is to become a smaller human again...chasing 2 crawling babies may help with that.
And now, a baby update. They are acting more like little humans everyday. They are both crawling and into everything. They also love to stand. No attempts at taking any steps yet but they can stand for several seconds without holding onto anything. Amos loves to eat, especially meat! Irene is still more petite, but can hold her own with eating especially if it is crunchy and salty. They have 15.5 teeth between the two of them. I'm pretty sure they are both saying "momma"...not sure if it is in reference to me or just a fun sound to make, but I'm totally going to claim it. Amos is super ticklish and has the best giggle ever. Irene...well look at her picture. She pretty much looks like that most of the time, taking everything it and making you work for a laugh. You know the wheels are turning behind those eyes. I think we have hit a natural routine with both of them taking 2 naps and sleeping through the night as well.
We recently learned that Irene is anemic. While it can be a concern and symptom of many things in an infant, it appears that she just has low iron. This can be common in premature babies, so we are hoping it is something she will just grow out of. Currently we are treating with supplements, which she takes like a champ, but it is something we will have to continue monitoring. Monitoring means blood draws...probably several over the next year. Please pray that her little body responds well to the supplements and the blood draws will be few.
Next month we will be having a big potluck shindig to celebrate the babies birthday. We wanted to post the info here just in case someone reading this blog was missed in the other forms of invitation. All are welcome, please see the details below.