I have written about 5 blog posts in my head this last month, but there has been no time to write! So here is my best quick effort to update you on our babies being home, healthy, and happy. WARNING this may be a little scattered.
First some cute pictures:

Photo credit to Kellie Parry
OK now that you made it this far, here are some of the nitty-gritty details. We made it home on May 24, 12 days after babies were born. The big girls were still at Odessa's moms house so we had a day to settle in. After they made it home, school ended 2 days later and we had a crash course in being a family of 6. Jeff was still able to take some time off of work and was able to be home most of the next 3 weeks. We are now pretty settled in despite the babies not having much of a schedule.
Babies are now 7 weeks old and doing great. They are each more than 2 pounds over birth weight and most nights able to go right back to sleep after most night feedings! We are still up several times a night, but being able to go back down is key. Odessa has healed VERY well from surgery and is up and active; most days able to prepare 2 out of 3 meals and keep up with big girls summer schedule. Life is mostly eating around here - in order for babies to be gaining so well that means they have to eat...a lot. Which means Odessa eats...a lot! Hard to do all of this in our current heat wave, but we are doing well and investing in many frozen treats! Good news, Odessa's feet have returned to normal sized, it took 5 weeks for swelling to go down.
We were able to meet 1 goal - our nursery was complete the day before the babies due date. They happen to be almost 4 weeks old by then, but hey it is done! It is so nice to be able to find everything to take care of them quickly. It turned out being a conglomeration of memory pieces and things we think are special. Here is a peak at this special space:
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We feel spoiled in this space, it is a luxury we didn't have with our first babies. |
Final bit of exciting news...we are officially official!
We were told when we adopted our embryos that the final piece of the adoption was having the legal birth certificates in hand. There was very little risk that the embryos could be claimed by the family who had them created, but the was a possibility that they could seek contact. With these simple pieces of paper, Amos and Irene are officially Kershners.